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Best Ways to Clean a Chicken Coop

One of the most common questions backyard chicken and poultry keepers ask us is what are the Best natural ways to Clean a Chicken Coop.

Most people choose to keep their own poultry so that they know exactly the conditions of where their eggs are coming from. Keeping your own hens gives you the opportunity to collect delicious free range eggs that are free from nasty toxins and chemicals that can be present in commercial bought eggs. Keeping your coop clean can be done without the use of these nasty chemicals. What's more natural cleaning solutions are so very cheap with surprisingly good results

Best ways to clean a chicken coop naturally

Despite where you may consider purchasing it, Apple cider vinegar cleans without the aid of harsh or toxic chemicals. Not only is it safe to use in the coop around chickens, laying hens and poultry but it is also great for people who suffer an allergy from chemical cleaners. It also leaves a fresh, clean smell in the air.

Make up your own Natural Chicken Coop Cleaner

With simple ingredients, you can make natural cleaning solutions for your chicken coop which is safe for you and the chooks.

Basic Cleaning Solution:

Add 35ml of either white vinegar or apple cider vinegar with 450ml of Water in a spray bottle. Then simply spray on surfaces and wipe off with a damp rag or micro fibre cloth.

Stronger Cleaning Solution:

In a 2lt sprayer combine 60ml of baking soda with water. Add 150ml of white or apple cider vinegar. Mix together and then top with water.

For areas on the floor where droppings have become a little stubborn. Simply wet down first and allow to soften. Then using a paste of baking soda and water, scrub with a nylon or hard bristle scrubbing brush and this should come up clean in a jiffy.

Citrus Cleaners and Insect Repellent for Chicken Coops:

Making your own citrus cleaner is easier than you think. You will find this solution is especially good for cleaning and it leaves a delicious fragrance the air. The added bonus of citrus, is that it will deter insects from your chicken coop.

All you need is fresh citrus fruit such as lemons, limes and oranges along with white vinegar and a large mason jar.

Citrus Cleaner Recipe · Insect Repellent Recipe

  1. Find a Large Glass Jar such as a 1 or 2lt mason or olive Jar.
  2. Fill a Jar with the Peels from the citrus of your choice. You can use Mandarins, Orange, Lemon, or our favourite Lime.
  3. Fill the jar with white vinegar, so the peels are covered. Now put on the lid and seal.
  4. Allow the mixture to sit for approx ten days.
  5. Decant the liquid into a Spray Bottle ready to use.

This is a fantastic solution. Citrus is a natural insect repellent. Also, the Citrus Oil adds a powerful boost to cleaning. Lastly, the scent is beautiful, fresh and long lasting.